Amanda Barnes, a resilient 70-year-old woman, found herself abandoned by her children in her later years, living alone in a weathered house in northern Texas. Her life had been one of hard work and perseverance, earning her respect and recognition in her community. However, as her health declined and her children, Spencer and Walt, pursued their own lives in the city, Amanda was left to face her challenges alone.
Despite the isolation, Amanda remained steadfast, working tirelessly to maintain the family’s ranch after her husband Lloyd passed away. Her only solace came from Viola Ross, a compassionate nurse from the local hospital, who visited her regularly and provided much-needed companionship. Viola’s visits became the highlight of Amanda’s days, offering her a sense of family amidst her solitude.
As Amanda’s health deteriorated and the condition of her house worsened, Viola’s concern grew. When the roof began to leak, Viola, outraged by the sons’ neglect, took it upon herself to repair it, along with her husband, using their own resources. Their act of kindness and generosity not only relieved Amanda’s suffering but also deepened the bond between them, with Viola becoming like a daughter to Amanda.
Despite Viola’s efforts, Amanda’s health continued to decline, leading to her eventual passing just three days before her 80th birthday. Viola, who had become Amanda’s primary caregiver, informed Spencer and Walt of their mother’s death, expecting them to show some remorse or sadness. However, their reaction was one of indifference, which shocked and saddened Viola.
A year later, a notary agent arrived with surprising news: Amanda had left everything to Viola’s daughter, Rebecca, as a token of gratitude for her kindness and care. In a heartfelt letter, Amanda expressed her disappointment in her sons’ neglect and urged them to raise their own children properly. The sons, realizing the error of their ways, visited Amanda’s grave on the 10th anniversary of her death, expressing regret and a newfound appreciation for the sacrifices she had made for them.
Amanda’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of family, the impact of neglect on loved ones, and the power of kindness and compassion in transforming lives. It also highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring bonds that can form between people, even in the face of adversity.
70 year old woman abandoned by her children before she died she left a package that shocked everyone
Seventy-year-old woman abandoned by her children before she died left a package that shocked everyone amanda barnes has been living alone in an ancient house in northern texas for the past five years she began working at a young age and had long held positions of control in the city’s enterprises as a result of her tenacity and perseverance almost everyone in town recognized mrs
Barnes and always gave her honors when they saw her however as time passes age takes its toll and the woman was forced to leave her profession to care for her family at an ancient ranch she and her husband lloyd had been married for about 40 years and had two lovely kids together spencer and walt were born one after the other and as soon as they became 18 they fled their family’s nest the city lights and entertainment
Attracted the young guys and life on the ranch couldn’t provide them with that opportunity walton spencer eventually settled down and even started a family lloyd and amanda barnes would only get to see their grandkids a few times and even then only in pictures the sons rarely visited their parents as though ashamed of their rural roots and when they did it was only for a serious reason such as selling the cattle after their father died or leasing property
For pasture mrs barnes life fell into a dreary depressing rut when her husband died despite her rapidly declining health the elderly woman worked hard to maintain the homestead’s condition mrs barnes sat in front of the television in the evenings looking through old photographs and recalling the moments when her family was united the old woman wiped away bitter tears unable to comprehend where she and her
Husband had gone wrong in raising their kids and why they grown up to be so self-centered mrs barnes only solace came in the form of visits from viola ross a nurse at the local hospital the young woman treated the lonely old woman as if she were her own mother paying her daily visits and delivering groceries and medications they’d known each other since walt was a young man who had tried to woo violet
But failed due to his nasty temper mrs barnes was concerned at that moment since she had grown fond of viola viola now had a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter rebecca and she avoided discussing her failed relationship with walt mrs barnes sat in her kitchen her gaze drawn to the clock on the wall its hands creeping like drowsy flies the elderly lady had been anticipating viola’s arrival and became concerned
When the nurse failed to appear on time the front door finally creaked open and familiar footsteps were heard mrs barnes good afternoon what’s your mood like today do you have any aches any pains you don’t have a problem with your heart viola required her voice concerned hello my sweetheart since the morning my head has been hurting however i’m already feeling considerably better as a result of your visit
Viola ross as is her custom remove the items from her bag and place them in the refrigerator she then took her blood pressure and disappointedly shook her head before injecting her mrs barnes you’ll feel much better now try to sleep by lying down on the sofa i’ll shut the door on my own viola wished the elderly lady well and patted her on the shoulder amanda barnes closed her eyes and drifted off into a pleasant dream in
Which she was surrounded by her sons and grandchildren as a result the elderly lady continued to survive with the help of viola’s visits and the occasional phone calls from her sons mrs barnes health deteriorated day by day as time went the elderly woman struggled to maintain the house in order which had gotten run down in recent years and was crumbling before her eyes her boys only came to see her on rare
Occasions and when they did it was just for a few minutes when fall arrived it began to rain which may last up to two weeks that would have been fine except mrs barnes roof began to leak in numerous places at the same time and the old lady was forced to live in the dampness putting whatever she could under the leaks this enraged viola the most because she knew the poor old lady had two healthy
Sons who could fix the roof if they so desired the enraged nurse dialed walt and then spencer but neither of them had any free time to assist their elderly mother much to her disappointment one of the sons had a daughter who was rumored to be getting married while the other was dealing with a business situation viola then requested that her husband jack assist mrs barnes with the roof
Repair so the noble couple used their own resources to repair the old roofing and remedy the leak how grateful i am to my heroes because of the humidity i was starting to have a cough mrs barnes replied softly wiping away a tear the old woman was saddened even though she didn’t say it out loud that her sons had not come to help their own mother after a few years viola could no longer ignore mrs barnes declining health
When she called walt she said listen up you and your brother must drive to your mother to town it’s difficult for her to survive in this back water the ranch too is in desperate need of repair now i’m going through a difficult time couldn’t this wait until later alternatively spencer might be able to assist he has a larger home than i do walt responded inventing difficulties
That did not exist as he went viola grasped the situation and hung up the phone after talking with her husband she made the decision to relocate mrs barnes to her home even more so now that rebecca had grown up and is in high school she could assist the elderly lady if she needed it mrs barnes had initially fought vehemently and refused to leave her home viola and her family were the only ones
Who wanted her so she reluctantly accepted the old woman had no idea when she went to this strange house that the time she would spend within its walls would be the last of her tough existence viola her husband and their daughter lavished the elderly woman with the care and love she had been denied for so long and if walt and spencer had only visited their mother on rare occasions previously they had ceased coming all
Together leaving viola and her family to deal with the old woman’s care mrs barnes life had obviously been extended by her relocation to the ross residents but as we know time is not kind to anyone amanda barnes was no exception to this rule despite mrs ross’s best efforts she died three days before her 80th birthday on a warm morning viola rushed to inform the old woman’s sons but they reacted calmly to the news
Of their mother’s death as if they had long before buried her in their hearts so you’re not going to come this is your mother walt is this even possible please do not come viola screamed angrily unable to handle the thought of her parents being treated in this manner no we won’t be coming with the funeral things and all our attendance won’t be worth anything anyway you’ll be okay without us walt replied and hung up viola’s eyes welled up with tears
She’d never been through anything like this before and it was difficult for her to pull herself together and go on with the burial viola locked mrs barnes’s house after seeing her off on her final journey and mentally prepared herself for a probable visit from her sons the woman had heard about their compulsive greed and expected the brothers to show up and split the fortune sooner or later
So when viola’s doorbell rang a year later she already knew what was on the other side of the door however there was an intimidating middle-aged man waiting on the porch with a leather folder in his hands much to her astonishment hello and good morning is it okay if i see rebecca ross i’m a notaries office agent and i need to provide amanda barnes her final will and testament remark the stranger
Well please come in viola said quietly rebecca was already waiting for the notary agent as he walked into the hall she had just turned 18 and was feeling a little self-conscious about the attention she was receiving with a small cough the notary agent straightened his tie and announced in a monotone voice that amanda barnes had written a will in favor of rebecca ross mrs barnes house and any money accounts are seated in her will needless to say
The notary agent’s statements left an indelible impression on viola and her family after all the woman who was caring for the ailing old lady out of the goodness of her heart had no idea that she would leave her possessions to her daughter rebecca’s and her mother’s eyes welled up with tears after leaving the relevant paperwork and details the notary agent silently exited rebecca of course had no idea that she
Would become wealthy after all the late mrs barnes had a substantial amount of money in her bank account which she’d been saving for decades amanda barnes had not forgotten about her sons and she had left them a note that only they could read two cars belonging to mrs barnes sons came up in front of viola’s house the day after the notary agent left when walt and spencer found that their mother had left all of her belongings to
Viola’s daughter their outrage knew no bounds my mother was forced to write a will in your favor by you you’re a crook and a thief this is not going to work waving his hands walt exclaimed when he and spencer read the letter from his mother though his facial expressions shifted and he calmed down the following was written in the letter if you’re reading this letter now my darling sons spencer and walt please
Know that i am no longer living i appreciate your outrage about the will but i wrote it while i was still sane and well it took a lot of courage on your part to give me a few hours of your time as a result i’ve decided not to leave you an inheritance don’t be too hard on viola my old property and bank account i believe are of higher value in her hands goodbye and please raise your children properly so
That you’ll never have to go through what i have the brothers walked outside and into their automobiles without saying anything miley hasn’t seen them in years mrs barnes only found them grieving at her grave once on the 10th anniversary of her death the sons were clearly aware of their error and expressed heartfelt regret for their ex
They also felt that their mother was looking down on them from up high and as before wish them nothing but happiness and success.