In the heart of a bustling city during the Chicago Marathon, a remarkable and compassionate runner, Sarah Bohan, made a split-second decision that changed the course of her race and a little kitten’s life forever. This is the story of how a personal best record took a backseat to the rescue of a tiny, fluffy creature later named Casper.
Sarah Bohan, hailing from Boston, had been diligently training for the Chicago Marathon with hopes of setting a personal record on October 8. Little did she know that around the 21st mile of the race, an unexpected encounter would put her athletic aspirations on hold.
As Bohan approached an overpass, she noticed a small, white and fluffy figure out of the corner of her eye. Closer inspection revealed a kitten nestled under a pile of leaves, appearing dirty, scared, and thin.
For Bohan, a devoted animal lover, there was no hesitation. Despite being on track to break her personal record, she chose to prioritize the well-being of the abandoned kitten. Bohan gently scooped up the little feline and decided to walk the rest of the race, determined to find a bystander who could provide a safe and loving home for the stray.
She found Andrea Maldonado, a spectator on the sidelines, and an animal enthusiast. Bohan approached her with the tiny bundle of fur in her arms. Without hesitation, Maldonado agreed to take in the kitten, whom she later named Casper.
Already a pet parent to two cats and a dog, Maldonado felt compelled to offer Casper a warm and caring home. “I knew I could provide him a good home, and we love cats and animals,” Maldonado shared.
News of this heartwarming rescue reached the ears of PAWS Chicago, an organization dedicated to animal welfare. They conducted a complimentary check-up on Casper, who, despite being a bit underweight, received a clean bill of health. “He’s a fighter,” remarked a PAWS Chicago representative, emphasizing Casper’s vibrant and affectionate personality.
Casper found his forever home with the Maldonado family, where he not only gets along famously with their existing pets but has also become a beloved addition to the family. “Our girls love him. Our family loves him. Our dog loves him,” Maldonado joyfully exclaimed. “I think he’s gonna have a good life.”
Sarah Bohan’s selfless act during the Chicago Marathon exemplifies the extraordinary connections that can be formed in unexpected moments. In sacrificing her personal best record, Bohan not only rescued a kitten but also facilitated the beginning of a beautiful chapter in Casper’s life, filled with love, warmth, and the joy of a forever home.