Baby went to buy candy. Found 55 days later. Then mom realizes a shocking detail. As a new parent, it’s impossible not to feel all the emotions of the world. Every single moment with your child feels like a gift, or maybe be not.
Every bit of laughter, every tear, every moment you spend with them is a gift to them, if not nothing else. A young mother wants a child who allows her to sleep and who has reasonably behaved. Moms of elementary age kids want children who will do their homework and go to bed without causing an uproar. Moms of teens want their child to make wise choices, choose good friends, and avoid the myriad of pitfalls of adolescents. Moms of older teens and kids in their 20s want their children to find someone with which to build a happy life.
Like most moms, my desire for my kids is that they are kind, loving, responsible, and good human beings. That is what I strived for while I was raising them. To have and show true concern for their fellow man, to live life to its fullest, to love God, home, and family. Kids love going to the grocery store or to superstores with you to pick out their favorite food, snacks, and toys. It seems like just a normal, safe thing to do.
But one mom’s experience might have you thinking twice. Amanda Callety brought her daughter Jenna to the Target store to shop with her one afternoon, and everything seemed fine. Then a little girl started coming up to her daughter, offering her candy. It seemed innocent at first, but it turns out that this little girl would be a lot more dangerous than she could ever imagine. Amanda goes into detail about how the incident on her Facebook page happened.
Here’s what she writes. I have to post this as a reminder to all moms. I was at Target when a girl who was about nine years old kept approaching my daughter. I don’t think much about it at first, but she was very persistent. So I got irritated and told her that my daughter didn’t want any candy, and we kept walking.
She got upset with me, and as I went to check out, she came up again, trying to get Jenna to take some gum. I looked over, and a man was across the store signaling to her. I told the cashier, and he called the manager, which then they both bolted and got into a van. It appeared that the man was attempting to use the little girl as bait to lure Jenna into a trap and kidnap her. Luckily, Amanda was aware enough to react quickly.
This left Amanda scared for others, and she felt she should have recognized the danger. Immediately after the little girl first started approaching her daughter Jenna, she took to her Facebook page to warn other mothers out there to be extremely wary when taking their children out in public places that might seem safe if I had known what was happening at the time, I could have grabbed the girl and saved her. Point being, they wanted to take my daughter. She’s four. The manager told me that human traffickers target places like Target because moms are there during the day with their kids, and many times moms turn their backs when loading the cart.
That’s when they can grab them from shopping carts. Please be careful and always watch your kids. Amanda could never forgive herself if she let anything happen to her little Jenna. It’s very scary and you have to stay alert. Law enforcement officials fully agree with Amanda.
Michael Snowden, who is part of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics Human Trafficking Division, states that these criminals will use any method they can in order to trick unsuspecting parents. And he suggests parents always stay aware in public areas. And what happened with this girl was more shocking. It was like a warhead in the literal sense. An Australian girl likely won’t look at candy the same way again after her snack of sour warheads candies allegedly left her with a hole in her tongue.
One particular candy is now banned from ever being eaten in a home in Melbourne. After the family’s four year old girl burned a hole in her tongue. The little girl, named Willow Wright, raided a cupboard and devoured a handful of warheads before suffering chemical burns on her tongue. On the day the incident took place, Willow’s mother was caught up with work, and the little girl grabbed the opportunity to sneak into her older brother’s stash of candy. According to People, Willow got a hold of her brother’s warheads and gobbled up around ten of them behind her mother’s back.
But soon the child began growing immensely distressed and felt her tongue start to severely burn. Running up the stairs in pain, Willow cried out to her mother and said her tongue hurt after more five weeks. Mommy, mommy, mommy. My tongue is really sore and it hurts. Willow’s mother, Christie Wright, recalled her daughter’s painful reaction to eating about ten warheads lollies.
It feels like skin was coming off, Willow said about as she went through, Christie told Nine News. I burst into tears because I was really worried. I’ve never seen this before, the mother added. Christie soon got in touch with Willow’s doctor, who informed them that there wasn’t much that could be done apart from waiting for the tongue to heal. The doctor suggested letting Willow enjoy as many iced popsicles as she could and taking some pain medication for a few days following the incident, where Willow was left with a hole in her tongue, experts are warning parents to be careful about the kind of candy their children eat.
The sour warhead lollies in particular can be very dangerous, said Dental Association of Australia’s Jonathan Teo, who mentioned that warheads have a particularly high level of acid. Products with this level of acid, or PH, can cause chemical burns to cheeks and tongue, Teo added. TIO also mentioned that he and his colleagues see a number of cases where sour lollies have caused trauma or damage to their patient’s teeth. After the first hand experience of seeing what sour lollies can do, Kirsty has thrown out every single piece of sour candy from her house and is spreading awareness about its potential dangers if consumed inappropriately. I just wanted to make aware parents how dangerous these lollies are, Kirsty said.
For now, young Willow is also immensely weary and said she won’t be eating any more lollies ever again. According to People, Warheads is a candy produced by Impact Confections, a company based in Wisconsin. On their website, the company has answered the question Are warheads OK? For young children, some candy is only for ages four and up due to the choking hazard. As far as whether or not your taste buds can handle sour candy depends on the individual person.
The website says some people’s mouths are more sensitive to acids and foods pineapple and citrus, as well as to sour candy. We produce only high quality products that meet all US. Federal guidelines for PH levels and ingredients, and when eaten normally, consumers enjoy them with no issues. However, some people may have an increased sensitivity to these ingredients. One theory holds that infants are born with a sweet tooth to make them more eager to consume breast milk, which apparently has a very sweet taste.
It’s been a while for me, so I’m taking the word of the scientists out there who keep abreast of such matters. I’m not sure about that, though, because this doesn’t explain the continued and in some cases, increased attraction to sweet things. As pre adolescence progresses, sugar delivers high quantities of energy. Children go fast in pre adolescents and require a lot of calories as a result. This biological imperative for foods containing high calories is met most efficiently in foods containing high sources of energy.
QED children are biologically predisposed to consume high calorie substances. When growth slows in adolescence, the desire for such high sugar intake usually tapers off a little, although for some it continues and can become harmful. Candy is a big deal for some kids, but finicky eaters are usually finicky about their candy, too. I had candies I liked as a kid, but I never ate candy that wasn’t on my list. So most children like some candy, but very few kids like candy.
Indiscriminately to Whom It May Concern for several years, we would hold out a wide basket of assorted candies to trick or treaters, despite the presence of all the standard brands, Twix bars were the candies we ran out of first every year, so regardless of sales figures, I believe Twix is the candy kids choose most.
They added if your mouth experiences any irritation, sour candy is probably too extreme for your tongue, and you should stick to citrus peanuts. The Bond between a Mother and her kid is so unique that most times the spouse feels neglected or jealous due to the uncompromised love shown by the mother to her child. Kids could be incredible. A two year old girl crossing the street all alone in the dead of night.
It’s a sight to take your breath away. The tiny toddler walked to a gas station convenience store, opened the door and went inside. Store owner Mohammed Baasi couldn’t believe his eyes as the toddler, fully dressed in boots and a winter coat, set two pennies down on his counter. Bozzie told Inside Edition. Les Trent, the little girl, she started walking around this aisle, this aisle, this aisle.
There’s nobody there. Les Trent asked Bozzie, she put the pennies on the counter? He replied, yes, she put the two pennies here. She wanted candy. Who is she?