Doctors announce woman is dead. Five months later, she shared her amazing story. A dangerous and exciting lifestyle is not without its risks. An accident is never far away. In particular, Mandy’s accident was so, so bad that she fell into a coma, which left her boyfriend Eric with a tough decision to make.
She had taken her exciting lifestyle to the peak, and it seemed to have been a bad decision. Speaking of difficult decisions, what decision did her boyfriend take after she had this accident? Continue watching to find out. Mandy took six years to finally wake up from her coma. Within that time, many things had happened, not just with Eric, but with everyone around her.
When she saw that her boyfriend was in the room when she woke up, you could see the anger on her face. But why was she angry with Eric? Could it be related to the accident? Or was there something else that had triggered this unexpected and intense reaction from Mandy? The reason will surprise you.
The hospital room had become home to Eric. But that day was different from every other day he had walked into that room. The atmosphere was tense. The air was filled with static from the electronic machines in the room and the strings of his emotions. Whatever happened in the room that day would determine if he had made the right decision.
All through those hard years of waiting for his girlfriend to wake up, comas could last long. And Eric knew this no one ever wants their loved one to be in a coma for such a long time. Six months could still be condoned. But six years? It was never in Eric’s plan book.
Every day was tormenting for him. There was no time. He wasn’t thinking about when she would wake up and when they would go back to the all life adventures that they had always done. With no cares in the world. Eric had heard stories of people being able to still hear while in a coma.
Was this the case for Mandy? He was incredibly nervous when Mandy realized where she was and what had happened, her eyes started to scan the room and stopped when they met Eric’s eyes, and he could immediately see her expression change. He was shocked to see her reaction. But if he had waited for six years, a reaction would not be enough to move him. Couples have their differences.
Eric and Mandy also had theirs before she got in a coma. So as Eric walked into the room that day, he was silently praying that she wouldn’t remember any of the issues they both have had before she fell into the coma. He was too broken from all the years of waiting to face any reliving of the past problems. So when he saw her reaction, he got himself prepared for the worst. You might have expected that seeing her husband again after such a long time would be a joyous occasion but the only emotion visible on Mandy’s face was anger.
Eric felt his fears were confirmed. She knows, he thought. But what did Mandy know? Could it be that Eric did something wrong when she couldn’t be there for him? The story requires us to explain some details about the couple, the accident and what happened after.
They were the dream couple of the 21st century. Their friends always envied the love between them. It was not just the air between them that showed that they were deeply in love. It was the things that they had in common and the things that they did together. Beyond dating.
They took their love life into their everyday life. It was expressed in everything they did, from how they acted around each other to their decisions together. Mandy and Eric had lived together for two and a half years. They weren’t living under the same roof yet, but they were starting to talk about it. They were only 19 and 21 respectively at the time, so there was no rush.
They were just enjoying their time together. They were living the life anyone would dream of and were on their way to building the dream life they had always wanted for themselves. But Mandy and Eric were no ordinary couple. When you hear extreme, what comes to your mind first. Drugs.
No. Eric and Mandy had a life far beyond drugs. Drugs were not what made the relationship and daily life so extreme. It was the crazy, unimaginable things that they did that marked them as a unique couple that no one seemed to understand. They lived such a risky life that made everyone around them extremely worried.
For their safety, they love to do extreme sports together and experience so many potentially dangerous and sometimes even deadly adventures. They were both out of college and making their own money. Working full time so they could spend whatever they wanted on their crazy trips, they decided to go on more extreme adventures. These risks adventures were fun for them, so they were always ready to go overboard. Life was boring to them unless there were exciting activities centered on everything they took.
Swimming to the extreme, visiting the deepest pools they could find around them at any given time, they’d go kayaking in the most raging whitewater unconcerned about what might happen. They lived their lives the way they wanted, free and with the freedom to push themselves beyond limits at any time together. They want mountaineering skydiving and even dived in dark shark cages to get up close and personal with great white sharks. Life had to be real dangerous before they could live it. The street was not just enough for walking.
They wanted parkour too, and they went for it. Eric and Mandy were just unstoppable. For Mandy and Eric, life couldn’t be exciting enough. But not everyone was as excited about their lifestyle as the couple themselves. Many people believe that their parents are overly protective of them.
Mandy and Eric both expressed similar dissatisfaction. It wasn’t just their parents who were worried. Their friends and coworkers were as well. They all agreed that Eric and Mandy needed to ease up in their way of life. Everyone thought they were too careless with their personal interests and they should exercise more caution and restraint in their actions.
So tried to keep their lives as fun and exciting. In their daily lives, they often engage in free running in the crowded city center or take their mountain bike over the rugged forest terrain on the outskirts of town. It was a lively and exciting life for them. With every city course they ran and every mountain they rode, they became more confident in their ability to dare the worst. But during one of these regular trips, a tragedy occurred.
The thing about bike riding, like any other sport, is that the more you do it, the better you get. With each new track comes a new experience. And with more time on a particular path, eric and Mandy’s experience had fully matured into confidence. They knew exactly where to go. They also knew when to break, accelerate and take their hands off the handles to ride.
This is another fun activity they enjoy doing together. During one of their adventures, the couple took a path they had taken a thousand times before. It’s a good way to do some cardio, but it wasn’t particularly difficult for people’s skill level. They were just expecting a simple and leisurely bike ride. It was something they had always done, so they were expecting the same results too a little sweat, a gulp from their bottle of water, and a dip in the cold bath back at home.
The thing about expertise is that it also comes with a certain amount of carelessness. So instead of being aware of their surroundings, eric and Mandy threw caution to the wind, believing that riding would be like any other day. But that day was different, and it would change their lives, not just as a couple, but also as individuals. The repercussions of their actions would be felt by their entire family. What happened was utterly unanticipated.
She walked away immediately to the right, but did not have time to look where to go? Mandy got out of the way into the denser woods and crashed into a tree at full speed. The mountains were largely uninhibited, so the bushes were so thick that she could not see it as she cascaded down the hill at a speed she couldn’t control. Speed she couldn’t control. She flew off her bike and landed hard on the ground, bumping her head.
Eric ran to her in seconds. To his surprise, Mandy appears to be unconscious. Eric panicked, but noticed that she still seemed to be breathing. With shaky hands, trembling limbs, and nothing coming out of his quaking lips, eric knew that there was little he could do in his panic, so he tried to stay calm. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed the emergency number.
But there was another problem. Eric sat in the visitor’s lobby of the hospital where Mandy was admitted, and he started to replay the words of the doctor in his head. While it was true, Eric still couldn’t quite come to terms with it. He never believed that health havoc could affect the warmest hearted person in the world. To him, she has fallen into a coma.
The doctor’s words echoed in Eric’s ears so loudly that he wanted to scream out in frustration a coma from which Mandy might not wake up for a while or already tell Eric from experience that they could keep Mandy alive in the hospital, but they couldn’t wake her without the risk of serious complications. Eric was stunned. While awaiting for this, he just sat stupefied in the waiting room with his eyes very dilated. He watched all the people passing to and fro the lobby with lifelessness in his eye. He couldn’t just imagine leaving the love of his life and trying to move on when they made those promises to each other.
They had only been together a few months, and at that point it seemed like a very logical thing to do. During a daily reaction test, mandy showed very slight movement, which appeared to be a reaction to the test. Prior to that time, Mandy had not responded to any external or reacted to internal stimuli. The doctors tried several more times, and the fourth time it happened again. He immediately called Eric.