In a heartening culmination of two years of intensive rescue efforts, eight manatees were recently transported from Ohio to Florida, marking a collaborative achievement between the Cincinnati Zoo, ZooTampa, Columbus Zoo, and SeaWorld. This successful endeavor is a testament to the dedication of these organizations in preserving the well-being of these iconic aquatic creatures.
Dr. Joseph Gaspard, vice president of zoological operations at SeaWorld Orlando, expressed gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to the rescue, rehabilitation, and return of manatees, underscoring the critical role these gentle giants play in aquatic ecosystems.
“Manatees are a critical part of our aquatic ecosystems, and we’ve been honored to be involved in their rescue, rehabilitation, and return for 47 years, working alongside our partners, including the Manatee Rescue & Rehabilitation Partnership, to help preserve these beloved Florida icons,” Dr. Gaspard stated.
The extensive journey from Ohio to Florida was meticulously planned, involving a partnership with DHL Express Americas to ensure the smooth and safe transportation of the manatees. The marine mammals were housed in specially designed containers, accompanied by a veterinarian and an animal care curator who closely monitored their health throughout the journey.
Cain Moodie, Senior Vice President of Network Operations at DHL Express Americas, emphasized the complexity of moving manatees, stating, “Moving manatees is an extremely complex process that involves significant planning and logistics to ensure that each specific need is met throughout the journey.”
This collaborative effort between the partnering facilities represents an ongoing commitment to the well-being of manatees, who face persistent threats in Florida waters. Virginia Edmonds, Chair of the Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Partnership, highlighted the significance of this partnership in addressing these challenges.
“It is an ongoing, crucial care cycle that we have going between our partnering facilities,” Edmonds noted. “That’s the heart of this partnership, working together as manatees continue to face ongoing threats in the Florida waters and knowing we are helping to make a difference.”
The successful release of these rehabilitated manatees into the wild not only marks a triumph for the organizations involved but also serves as a beacon of hope for the continued conservation of these cherished Florida icons.