Renovations can be an ordeal on their own. People don’t expect to find hidden objects in the walls when they begin this process. On top of everything else, through the power of the Internet, people are sharing these hidden gems. Some are cool, some are funny and some honestly creep me right out.
Last week, the report of a boy said to have been sealed in the wall of a house in Hondo town in western Nigeria spread after that story was told on online news platforms, but without details. Rumors have been circulating about the reality of the occurrence. A bungalow located on three b akin famousawai street Adua area in Newtown ondo City in ondo west local government area of ondo State was where the boy was found.
According to the information gathered, the owner of the house had traveled out of the country several years ago, but the building at the back was being inhabited by tenants who are students of the ademy College of Education in the town suspected to be mentally deranged. Charity Adebio is one of the students living on the compound.
She told Channels Television that the boy, who is suspected to be mentally deranged, fell into a little space between the walls of the house and a food canteen next to it. We started hearing the boys saying meaningless things from inside the wall, she said. Charity explained that at daybreak people came and broke the fence and brought him out.
According to her, the grandmother of the boy came to pick him. Felicia Olany, who operates the food canteen at the other side, gave her own account to the story in Yaruba language, the boy was said to have escaped from his grandmother one evening while she was taking him to a church for healing.
The boy must have fallen in between the walls of the two buildings, she said. According to her, after they heard the voice of the boy in the wall, it attracted people’s attention and a ladder was brought. He was discovered in the space and the wall was broken, she explained. She said the residents also alerted the police before the boy was brought out and also corroborated. Charity’s claims that he was taken away by his grandmother.
Michael Gabala, a medical practitioner who lives in the neighborhood, told Channels Television that he learned that the boy was mentally deranged. Determined to get to the root of the matter and more revelations channel’s Television crew preceded to church where the boy was taken by his grandmother for healing, overseen by an old woman Prophetess Dorcas Adebayo. She explained in Yaruba language that the grandmother brought the boy for healing, but later came back to take him away. She believes the boy must have in a bid to escape from the grandmother after she took him away from the church fell into the wall. The old prophetess said she did not know the boys whereabouts ever since.
A little boy also gave his account to the story, saying the boy had been taken to the state specialist hospital in town. At the hospital, sources say that the boy’s name is Aduragbami Saka and that he was admitted but had since been discharged. Channels Television, however, got to know the address of the boy and his grandmother, which is at number eleven Okeboji Street in the town. On getting to the house, the one story building was locked with a padlock. The residents of the street refused to speak to reporters but however, said that they knew the boy but had not seen him for a long time.
After all, this family faith changed completely with what found behind wall. The owner of a house in the Phoenix area died in 2001 after having lived in the house for many years. Over a period of seven years after the owner died, his children found, according to the court’s reported decision, hundreds of military style green ammunition cans hidden throughout the house, some of which contained gold or cash. The children made some repairs to the house, then eventually sold the property in as is condition. The new owners hired a contractor to renovate the dilapidated house.
Soon after, an employee of the contractor found two ammunition cans full of cash hidden inside a wall in the house. He went looking for more cans and found two more. The four cans found by the contractor’s employee contained a total of $500,000 in cash. The employee gave the cash to his employer, the contractor, who put it in his safe. Ultimately, the employee told the new owners of the house, who called the police, who took control of the cash.
So who gets the cash? You have all the facts. I’ll give you a hint not the contractor or his employee. In the words of the Court of Appeals, although elementary school children like to say finders keepers, that’s not the rule. The Court of Appeals analyze the situation by first defining the four categories of found property mislade, lost, abandoned and treasure trove.
The court then went about deciding how to categorize the $500,000 found in the ammunition cans. The court defined lost property as property that the owner unintentionally parted with through carelessness or neglect. Abandoned property was defined, conversely, as property that was thrown away or voluntarily forsaken by its owner. Not surprisingly, they decided that the cash in this case was not lost or abandoned. Given that the definition of abandoned property, the circumstances would have to be pretty unusual for a court to decide that a large amount of cash was abandoned.
The court then defined treasure trove as property that is verifiably antiquated. I think that means definitely really old and has been concealed for so long as to indicate that the owner is probably dead or unknown. I’m pretty sure that means long enough that you can’t figure out who put it there. The property is classified as mislaid on the other hand, if the owner intentionally places it in a certain place and later forgets about it, which category fits the ammo cans full of cash? The finder’s rights depend on how the found property is categorized.
If the found property is lost, abandoned or treasure trove, the person who found it gets to keep it unless the original owner claims it. So actually, unless the original owner claims it, the rule is finders keepers. If the found property was mislaid, the owner of the place where it was found get it again. Unless the original owner claims it. None of the categories fit these ammunition cans perfectly.
But the court decided that the cash belongs to the estate of the person who hit it, meaning that his children will get it. Why? Because the original owner, the estate of the homeowner who hid the cash, claimed it. Ironically, it appears that the result would have been the same no matter how the cash was categorized. The court noted that at least one court has recognized a fifth category of found property.
Embedded property. Yes. That would be buried treasure. Except that one case inexplicably excludes gold and silver from the definition of embedded property. You’d think that at least for that category, the rule really would be finders keepers.
Right? But no. Even if it’s categorized as embedded property, the owner of the land where it’s buried gets it unless the original owner claims it. Going back to the Arizona case. What about the fact that the children of the original owners sold the house as is?
Doesn’t that mean that they abandon the cash? The Court of Appeals essentially said that because the children didn’t know the cash was there, they didn’t have the necessary intent to abandon it. Sorry, new owners. No windfall for you. So what’s the moral of the story?
That’s easy. Don’t hide $500,000 in cash in the walls of your house. And Illinois family is attempting to find the source of the mysterious sounds that have been coming out of their bedroom wall and keeping them up at night for close to six years. As each year passes, the Smith family remains dumbfounded at how strange voices and music have continued to play through nine year old Brianna’s bedroom wall in the middle of the night despite having no speakers in there, ABC affiliate WLS TV reported. We hear it audibly, and it keeps us up at night.
Brianna’s father, richard Smith told the outlet. It woke me up out of a sound sleep. There are voices in the wall, and I don’t know what it is, Brianna added. The Lockport family said they typically hear these sounds which seem to be coming from a talk radio station during the late hours of the night and into the early morning. They have even reported the mysterious noises to the local police department.
According to WLS. In those reports, which were obtained by people, an officer wrote that he heard voices and music coming from the walls that seemed to be talking about Christ. The officer later claimed he heard a commercial for the Christian radio station Am 1160, according to the police report.
To prove his claims, Smith recorded the strange sounds on his phone and showed them to WLS in a recording in which the music and a pastor’s muffled speaking could be heard. He is praying over someone for healing the lockport, father explained to the outlet, adding of the music playing, it’s one of our favorite songs, but not at 10:00 at night.