For immediate release:
April 1, 2021
Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382
Honolulu – On Good Friday, PETA’s Christian arm, LAMBS (which means “LEast BUThope Mand Bbrothers and Sisters Matthew 25:40), will team up with Pastor David Cady of THE WELL (Wellspring Fellowship Church) to hand out 40 free vegan fried hams:
When: Friday, April 2, 1 pm – 5 pm.
Where: THE WELL, 94-447 Apowale St., Waipahu
Cody, who is a volunteer for Aloha Vegans Food Share, believes his teenage daughter inspired him to go vegan. “I came to the conclusion that going vegan is just a logical step towards becoming a more loving and compassionate person,” he says. “If this is not the way of Jesus, which way?”
LAMBS – whose motto, as interpreted by PETA, reads: “Animals are not ours. They are God’s ”- notes that the Bible clearly states that God’s plan for the world is one in which people and other animals should peacefully coexist, and people are guardians, not murderers. In Genesis 1:29, God says that the seed plants and fruits of the earth “will be your food.” However, many Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus by eating pigs that survive hell on earth: workers chop off their tails, cut their teeth with pliers, castrate men – all without pain relievers – and slit their throats in slaughterhouses.
“Pigs are known to dream, recognize their names and show compassion for each other, so saving them on Easter Sunday or any other day is a blessing,” says PETA Vice President Daniel Paden. “PETA and LAMBS are committed to helping feed hungry families and showing everyone how delicious compassionate vegan food can be.”
For more information please visit PETALambs.com…
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