For immediate release:
April 9, 2021
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Easton, Connecticut. – Residents oppose the construction of a poultry farm on Tranquility Drive in Easton, so ahead of a public hearing scheduled for May 3, PETA sent a letter this morning to John Harris, chairman of the Easton Zoning Appeals Board, expressing support for the slaughterhouse – if, that is, the enterprise built with at least one glass wall so that the operations can be seen by the public.
“If you put chicken on the dinner table, you can’t stand up to the street carnage,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “A glass-walled slaughterhouse will at least show the public the fear and anguish that birds endure, and is likely to create new vegans.”
PETA, whose motto is in part that “the animals are not ours to eat” – opposes arrogance, a worldview focused on human superiority. For more information visitPETA.org…
PETA letter to Harris follows.
April 9, 2021
John Harris
Easton Zoning Appeals Board
Easton, Connecticut
Dear Mr. Harris:
I am writing on behalf of PETA and over 6.5 million of our members and supporters around the world, including many from Connecticut, in response to concerns about a zoning permit that would allow the construction of a massacre at 59 Tranquility Dr. an appeal against him this week. We urge you to reject your appeal, but only if the owner agrees to build a slaughterhouse with at least one glass wall so that members of the public can see firsthand the fear and anguish that chickens go through before being killed for food. Please let me explain.
Sir Paul McCartney said, “If the slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarians.” He knows it’s easy to forget where the meat comes from when you see it neatly wrapped at a farmer’s market or supermarket, but the animals don’t go quietly. Regardless of size and location, all massacres are associated with the abuse and brutal murder of people who want to survive.
We believe that everyone has the right to consider Who animals, what ticks them and how they feel. Chickens are intelligent, sensitive animals that feel pain, empathy, and love; form complex social structures; and dream at night like people do. Research shows that they can anticipate future events, communicate with their chicks while they are still in their shells, so that they recognize their mother’s voice when they hatch, and have distinctive personality traits. We now know that chickens can count and perform simple addition and subtraction.
We hope you will agree that now, as the world continues to fight the current pandemic caused by the exploitation of animals for food, there is an urgent need, if only for selfish reasons, to stop eating animals. For animals, it is also a matter of life and death. Thanks for attention. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ingrid Newkirk
The president
Copies: Philip Dormus, Zoning Investigator
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