Shitty eggs, not happy eggs
Happy Egg Co. presents itself in a bright and joyful way to mislead consumers into believing that its products come from “happy chickens.” An entire section of the site is devoted to the absurd statement that chickens are “happy”.
In fact, the chickens filmed by PETA UK live in dirty, heavily overcrowded barns and are regularly injured. As a result, they experience stress and frustration and may peck at each other until their skin turns red, damp, and bleeding.

Chickens are intelligent, sensitive, sociable animals that need to clean their feathers, take dust baths, sleep overnight to feel safe, and spend a significant amount of time foraging and researching. Since they cannot sweat, they cool themselves by dipping their beak into cold water or flapping their wings. The chickens on the Happy Egg Co. supplier farms that PETA UK has visited cannot do so, causing immense mental and physical distress.

This latest study shows that whenever animals are used for profit, they always suffer.

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