When you have a kid it’s both thrilling and stressful but having twins is even more so in fact it’s one of the most amazing experiences a person can have it has its own set of difficulties as well as the possibility of serious consequences for either the mother or the child giving birth takes a toll on the body and one mother received the surprise of her life when it came time to give birth
Even the physicians were taken aback by what she’d experienced according to estimates approximately 10 to 15 percent of pregnancies begin with twins but unfortunately result in only one child it’s sometimes to as the vanishing twin phenomenon and many mothers are never informed of their child’s existence as a mother of twins however it’s more typical to require extra attention more observations and to experience a variety

Of complications sarah thistleweight a math teacher from ohio thought it was time for her and her husband to raise a family of their own after a decade of marriage they were looking forward to the arrival of their tiny infants who were identical twins and they had a million and one questions fortunately the twins were having a pretty unusual set of twins they were identical but mono-amniotic twins which
Means that they shared the same amniotic sac with their mother’s womb which is quite rare given the 1 in 10 000 possibility that they would have infants like this they recognized they were unique almost immediately they didn’t anticipate a delivery that would be as memorable as the pregnancy however sarah spent more than two months in the hospital as a result of her unique
Pregnancy because every single individual who came into contact with her was interested in the rare pregnancy she began to feel as if she was being watched over her shoulder however she was completely unaware that things were going to grow worse the couple knew from the beginning that sarah would have to have a c-section because the infants were entirely together and immediately close to one another during the birthing process
As far as the physicians were concerned it was only a regular procedure and that everything would be okay but it was clear that what they were seeing was out of the ordinary for the doctors and they gaped in disbelief sarah had a screen in front of her that showed her everything that was going on and what the doctors were doing she simply desired to hear her baby cry since this would signal that the baby was breathing okay and that the birth
Had been a success instead she only heard screams of horror as the babies were removed from her womb and placed in incubators instead of trying to pull them out one at a time the doctors pulled them out together entwined in one another’s bodies the babies appeared to be fine at first but when they took a closer look they discovered what was truly going on and the room fell silent
Because her heart was racing and she couldn’t stand still she became impatient and demanded to see her babies right away based on what they witnessed it was clear that the two had already formed a particular connection the two babies entered this world with their hands clasped together when the doctors and nurses discovered what had happened they all experienced a wonderful and meaningful moment
Everyone broke down in tears of delight and ecstasy as if this was indeed a one in a million baby birth thanks to the presence of a photographer who was able to snap shots of both newborns and preserve the event in a photograph everyone was intrigued and moved by how special it was and they all wanted to know more newspapers and magazines all ran stories about the couple and their children no one could get enough of the story which
Included the events leading up to and immediately following the birth as well as the beautiful photograph of the baby’s holding hands the birth and indeed the entire pregnancy was a touch nerve-wracking to say the least but both twins were born healthy and with all their fingers and toes intact the extraordinary bond that they have is immediately apparent from the beginning julian and jenna were the names given to
The babies the girls are extremely attached to each other and like doing everything together including dressing in similar outfits the couple finds it quite difficult to separate them sarah expressed herself as follows if my husband needs to go to the shop he will sometimes take one of the twins and leave the other with me when this occurs they both become extremely unhappy and begin to seek each other out

They are without a doubt really near they’re like two peas in a pod says the author while raising twins might be challenging at times their parents truly love them both equally and they support them through every step of the process jenna and jillian thistleweight are two-year-old sisters who despise being apart when they’re separated one will stand at the door wailing for the other this is not surprising for the pair of
Orville ohio twins who made global headlines two years ago when they grabbed each other’s hands seconds after they were born according to their mother during pregnancy the girls were classified as mono-amniotic twins which means that they shared an amniotic sac rather than each having her own the rare disease entails a high risk of complications and while their mother was forced to spend 57 days in bed before giving birth to the twins through
C-section the girls experienced few medical issues both before and after their delivery according to sarah thistlethwaite who spoke to today that was a miracle from god jenna and jillian despite the fact that they were born seven weeks prematurely have continued to flourish on a daily basis since then it’s quite clear that they have no health issues according to their mother they’re typical
Two-year-olds they’re on the go their brother who teaches them pretty much what not to do chases after them while they continue to engage in the behavior in question the two blonde beauties are virtually indistinguishable from one another in appearance their parents can usually tell the difference between them jillian has a thin blue vein that runs across her nose but the person who distinguishes them the best is jackson
The girl’s three-year-old big brother who periodically has to correct his parents on which daughter is which the girls like climbing swimming and asserting their wills whenever they have the opportunity particularly when it comes to fighting over toys a middle school math teacher bisselthwaite described her students as certainly a handful on some days but they’re actually having a great time and despite the fact that they adore
Their big brother they can tolerate being removed from him unlike when they’re separated from one another all three of us are really close but the girls share an indescribable link that unites them honestly separating them or doing anything with those two apart will cause them to wail hysterically according to their mother they don’t want to be apart from one another when she swiftly added however having
Said that they have no trouble tattling on each other they’ll almost certainly accuse or bring the other person into disrepute neither thistlethwaite nor her husband are related to twins so the pair were taken by surprise when they learned they were expecting twins during a routine 19-week scan into the pregnancy their birth date was may 9 2014 and the photo that captured the nation’s heart happened by chance at the time of their
Birth the hospital had intended to capture the birth as part of a mother’s day story that was being covered by the local newspaper and television station at the time of the birth after being brought together soon after birth the girls were separated for only 48 seconds during which time one of them clutched the other’s hand thistlethwaite couldn’t see either of them at the moment since she was
Shielded from their view by a surgical curtain all i wanted was to hear them sob that was all i wanted as a result there was a great probability that we would have a stillbirth and i remember thinking let them grieve allow them to sob why isn’t she crying i wonder thistlethwaite was summoned monoamniotic twins often known as mono-mono-twins are considered high-risk due to the possibility that the fetuses
Will become entangled in each other’s umbilical cords among other issues it was then that the sothwaite was able to hear her two obstetricians describing what was happening according to her she overheard dr wolf exclaim oh my god they’re holding hands then dr manicuso instructed her to raise them up so mom can see them i couldn’t believe they were walking around with each other it was just incredible it was very stunning
Her eyes well up with tears as she recalls the incident it simply seemed sense to me that they were together the entire time during pregnancy i guess they rely on each other they’re there for one another and they have such a strong bond to one another she explained even before they were born they desired to be in close proximity to one another since it was what they’re accustomed to it’s that constant feeling of being

Touched thistlethwaite claimed she only discovered the photo of her daughters holding hands and gone viral after her brother-in-law sent her a video clip of the photo which was surrounded by chinese characters the kids recently celebrated their second birthday at home with a family birthday party and they’re now taking advantage of the summer by going to story time at the library and going to
The swimming pool together thistlethwaite expressed her gratitude for all the care she receives from her family doctors as well as for the support she receives from relatives friends and members of the community in general in part she attributes this to the fact that orville is a tiny town i had a great deal of community support and that support has only grown stronger after the girl’s birth she says when
They appear on television or in the news people are pleased to see them it makes no difference how many times they’re broadcast it’s a hit with everyone thanks for reading.