The nurse couldn’t stop crying when she saw what this woman gave birth to at the time of her birth on june 9th 2017 at national university hospital and uh quack eugene had the weight of an apple 212 grams and was the size of a grapefruit it’s estimated that she was born roughly four months early and physicians had predicted that she would weigh at least
400 grams she was discharged from the hospital on july 9 after a 13-month hospitalization she’s believed to be the world’s tiniest infant to have survived her premature birth ms zhang shu a advanced practice nurse in the department of neonatology at nuh couldn’t believe her eyes when she was initially brought to the neonatal critical care unit i couldn’t believe what i was seeing she said

Mr zhang who works as a nurse clinician and was later a member of the infant’s care team said i was astonished so i went to the professor in the same department i asked him whether he could believe it he said he couldn’t believe it i’m my 22 years as nurse i’ve never seen a newborn infant as little as this says the nurse according to the university of iowa’s tiniest babies registry the previous record holder was a girl who was born in
The united states in december 2018 and weighed 245 grams according to the national university hospital babies like eugene who are born roughly four months early have a survival rate of approximately 70 percent and are typically discharged after four to six months in the hospital however because of her extreme small stature eugene was admitted to the hospital and remained there for 13 months making her the hospital’s longest
Staying baby her birth came as a complete surprise to her parents mr kwekwe lang and madam huang milang both of whom are 35 years old in order to be reunited with their four-year-old son the couple who are permanent residents of singapore had planned to return to malaysia for the birth of their second child mr quack’s parents are responsible for his upbringing
Madame wong who works as an administrative assistant in an insurance business experienced abdominal discomfort on june 8th of last year and was brought to the national university hospital she was taken to the hospital for an emergency cesarean section after it was discovered that she had preeclampsia which is high blood pressure during pregnancy eugene’s birth and size according to
Madame wong came as a surprise especially considering that her son’s birth had been a routine one my expectations for giving birth were not met and we were devastated when eugene was delivered at such a little size we didn’t have a choice though because of my medical condition her mother went on to say all we could hope was that she would continue to grow and be healthy she was in such poor health that she
Needed to be placed on a ventilator to help her breathe because her lungs were not yet fully grown dr yvonne ing a senior doctor at neonatology department explained that her daily care was the crux of the situation particularly during her first two weeks of life as a result we had to be creative and come up with some improvised methods to cope with a baby this small as this was the first time we had to deal with someone this small
Because she was so little even the medicine calculations had to be done down to decimal points due to the fragility and thinness of eugene’s skin it was difficult to place probes on her in order to monitor her condition leaving a probe in place for an extended period of time could result in a dent which would result in a sore and open wound leaving her more susceptible to infection a newborn diaper was far too large for
Her and it covered her entire body the care team sought out vendors that could bring in diapers that were appropriate for her size however when they eventually located a dealer it informed them that it didn’t ship merchandise to singapore it would be prohibitively expensive to do so yujan’s diapers were refashioned to fit by the care crew who cut them to make them more comfortable as miss zhang said there are chemicals
In the diaper that help it absorb the baby’s pee but these chemicals cannot come in direct contact with eugene’s skin because care for her skin is really vital we were forced to fold and seal the edges these are things we had to do for her another obstacle was when the nurses had to place tubes into the baby’s body which was a difficult procedure eugene’s thigh measured nearly the same
As a finger in circumference despite her difficulties she was regarded as happy and joyful baby who had her own idiosyncrasies and preferences according to her parents when the nurses shouted her name she would turn move her hands and answer appropriately she prefers to remain in a colder setting and if the temperature rises too much she becomes upset miss jang explained
She enjoys having someone talk to her from time to time and she also likes pacifiers however she was unable to hold the pacifier on her own so we were forced to hold it for her after 13 months in the hospital her condition has improved dramatically from the state in which she was when she was born when she was discharged from the hospital on july 9th she weighed around 6.3 kilograms according to ms zhang the event was a

Happy one for the hospital and even nurses who were not on duty showed up to take photos of the occasion despite the fact that eugene now 14 months old continues to suffer from chronic lung disease and must be placed on a ventilator at home for oxygen support she’s able to turn on her own and is learning how to feed herself from a feeding bottle it was possible to pay for the hospital bill which rose to approximately two
Hundred thousand dollars through crowdsourcing efforts which raised approximately three hundred thousand dollars in total eugene’s future requirements were covered by approximately half of the surplus with the other half being returned to the crowdfunding portal give asia to benefit other deserving families in the future madame long whose husband works as a technician stated that the family does
Not wish to return to malaysia for the time being because yujan requires additional medical attention from the hospital i have to express my gratitude to the nurses for caring for her for such a long period of time they were truly compassionate and considerate we were overjoyed that everyone could make it to her hospital discharge the squad is like a second family babies who appear to be miracles
A boy with the heart the size of a coin jackson faulkner from surrey in the united kingdom was just four days old when he underwent surgery to preserve his heart which was the size of a 20 cent coin jackson’s heart was saved the kid was born with a rare congenital cardiac ailment known as schon’s complex which is characterized by several left heart blockages according to an article in the mirror following that jackson whose younger
Sister was born in may suffered a total of three open heart procedures by the time he was two years old his mother susie describes him as an extraordinarily compassionate emotionally bright and active youngster who enjoys playing with the family dog and reading books to him jackson celebrated his third birthday just a few weeks ago born with only a portion of the brain and skull jackson buell was born in
Orlando florida in 2014 with microhydroencephaly a severe brain abnormality that left him with 80 percent of his brain missing he’s since grown into a healthy young man his cerebellum the part of his brain that regulates movement coordination and balance was the most severely damaged doctors didn’t expect him to live past his first year but jackson who was given the name jackson strong beat the odds and learned to reach for his parents or
Toys by the time he was two years old he died last year at the age of five according to his parents a young man without a nose after being identified with complete congenital arenia an incredibly uncommon illness that left him without nasal passages or sinus cavities eli thompson was diagnosed with arenia in may 2015. only a few dozen persons are affected by this illness around the world the alabama kid was born with a tracheotomy
And a feeding tube placed into his stomach to help him survive he was five days old at the time in 2017 the infant passed away three months after celebrating his second birthday premature birth a pre-term birth occurs when the infant is born more than three weeks before the expected due date a premature birth in other terms is one that happens before the 37th week of pregnancy
Premature newborns particularly those born very early are prone to a variety of medical issues prematurity problems can range from mild to severe however the sooner your baby is born the greater the chance of difficulties a baby may be one of the following depending on how early he or she is born born between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy late preterm born between 32 and 34 weeks of pregnancy moderately premature
Premature birth with a gestational age of less than 32 weeks extremely pre-term birth occurs when a baby is born before the 25th week of pregnancy the majority of premature deliveries occur in the late stages of pregnancy symptoms premature birth can manifest itself in a variety of ways from mild signs to more visible consequences the following are some indications of

Immaturity due to a lack of fat stores the features of a full term infant are sharper and less rounded than those of a little newborn with a disproportionately large head lenugo is fine hair that covers much of the body low body temperature especially in the delivery room right after birth due to a lack of stored body fat feeding difficulties due to labored
Breathing or respiratory discomfort lack of sucking and swallowing reflexes the median birth weight length and head circumference of pre-turned babies at various gestational ages are shown in the tables for each sex special attention is required if you have a pre-term baby your baby will most likely need to stay in the hospital for a lengthier period of time in a special nursery unit your baby may be admitted to an intermediate care
Nursery in the neonatal intensive care unit depending on how much care he or she requires doctors and a specialized team trained in the care of preterm babies will be on hand to assist you with your baby’s care please don’t be afraid to ask questions immediately after delivery your baby may require additional assistance with eating and acclimating your healthcare team can assist you in determining what’s required and how your infant will be cared for thanks for reading.