A bill prohibiting the purchase and sale of shark fins in United States was reintroduced in U.S. House of Representatives from Representatives. Gregoria Kilili Sablan (MP) as well as Michael McCall (R-TX). A similar law was passed in the last Congress, passing the House of Representatives with broad bipartisan support. voting (310-107), and also cleaning Senate Commerce Committee and enlisting support 47 Senate Cosponsors.
“We are confident that Congress will be able to pass the law. It is rare to find a problem that unites the political, business and environmental communities. We applaud the representatives. Sablan and McCall for their continued leadership to bring the United States out of the shark fin trade once and for all. ”- Whitney Webber, Campaign Director at Oceana said in statement. “We know the demand for fins is cutting shark populations around the world, and this is a simple and clear way to help reduce it. It’s time for the US to once again become a leader in shark conservation.
“We must join our allies in Canada who have closed their borders to the destructive shark fin trade, and do the same in the United States. We hope to find a way forward on this important issue that is supported by the majority of Americans. The US now needs a ban on fins, ”continued Webber.
Research published in Nature earlier this year, it was found that the global population of ocean sharks and rays had declined by more than 70% for the last 50 years, with overfishing as the main reason.
Oceana says the global shark fin trade is a major contributor to overfishing and declining shark populations worldwide, with fins in many 73 million sharks hit the market every year. The study called for “proactive measures to prevent total collapse, this should be a wake-up call for policymakers.”
According to a survey conducted by Oceana at the end of last year, almost 9 out of 10 registered American voters oppose the practice of catching shark fin and almost 80% support legislation prohibiting the sale and trade of shark fins throughout the territory United States.
To date 13 states, more than 45 airlines, 15 major corporations including Amazon, Hilton and Disney, and 22 shipping companies have refused to carry or trade shark fins. About 700 enterprises – including more 100 diving shops and snorkeling businesses support a national ban on fins. Among other supporters, more 150 scientists, 150 chefs, 140 fishermen and 85 surfers and surf companies.
If that’s not enough, sharks are good for the economy too. According to Oceana report, the value of shark diving in Florida in 2016 Nov. was more than 200 times the export value of shark fins to the entire country for the same year. Shark encounters supported by more than 3700 jobs in Florida, with a total economic impact on the state of more than $ 377 million.
The demand for shark fins stimulates overfishing and catching of sharks, the cruel and wasteful practice of removing shark fins in the sea and then dumping its body back into the ocean, where it drowns, starves to death or is eaten alive by another fish, causes nausea and must end.
Just as the populations of rhinos and elephants have declined due to the demand for their horns and tusks, the shark fin trade threatens the survival of many shark populations.
Although shark fins are illegal in US waters, fins can still be bought and sold throughout most of the United States. These fins are often imported from countries that do not provide adequate shark protection.
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The message is breaking! A bill to ban the shark fin trade in the United States re-submitted to Congress first appeared in World Animal News.
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